Forrest Dental offer a vast range of professional dental services in Norwood.
Regular checkups in conjunction with good home oral health care habits are the basis for long term preventative dentistry. We take pride and allow the time to deliver comprehensive examinations and thorough scale and cleans. The use of digital radiography minimises exposure to radiation where x-rays are necessary and intra oral cameras can help to directly show any areas of interest.
Modern dentistry is aimed at the minimisation and prevention of future disease. This is achieved through effective personal home dental care individually tailored to each patient and the use of minimally invasive techniques.
Root canal therapy involves removing diseased nerve tissue from within the root of the tooth. Depending on the tooth the number of root canals can vary, from one at the front of the mouth to three to four canals in molar teeth. It is usually carried out over 2 visits with a dressing left in the root canal between appointments to eliminate the bacteria causing the disease. The canals are then filled with a rubber based filling material and the tooth is restored.
Most people experience little or no discomfort with root canal treatment and enjoy a very high rate of success.
Generally made out of porcelain for aesthetics or metal alloys, crowns are used to return strength to structurally compromised teeth or to improve colour and appearance.
Bridges can be used in certain cases to replace missing teeth. They are custom made and improve appearance and function. Bridges are also made from ceramic or metal alloys.
Two appointments are involved in the preparation of a tooth for crown. At the first the tooth is reduced by 1-2mm to create enough room for the crown to fit over the top of the tooth, an impression is taken and sent to a local laboratory where the crown is custom made, which generally takes 2 weeks. You will have a temporary crown placed at the first appointment while the crown is fabricated. At the second appointment the temporary crown is removed and the final crown strongly cemented in place.
Implants are titanium fixtures that are anchored to the jawbone and are used to support single or multiple teeth or to provide a fixed attachment to prevent dentures from moving.
They are the best replacement for missing teeth and closely mimic the look and feel of natural teeth.
The implant is placed by a surgeon under local anaesthetic or IV sedation and if aesthetics are an issue a temporary crown is attached to the implant while the bone around it 'takes'. Once this has occurred, after approximately 3 months a final crown is made, usually out of porcelain and tightly attached to the implant.
With careful oral hygiene care the long term success of implants is very good.
There are various whitening techniques available to lighten the shade and improve the appearance of teeth, ranging from toothpastes to in the dental chair treatment. It is an effective way to restore the smile of many people with stained, dull or discoloured teeth.
The most successful long term approach involves fabricating custom made trays into which the whitening gel is applied at home for a short period each day over a two week period. Used under supervision from the dentist this is a safe and effective way to whiten teeth long term with rapid results.
Veneers are thin facings of porcelain which are bonded to tooth surfaces to improve shape and colour.
Generally this involves three appointments; discussion and treatment planning, preparation and cementation.
They are a minimally invasive way to improve appearance as only 0.5-1mm of tooth is removed to make room for the veneer or in some cases no removal of tooth structure is required at all. They are used to change the appearance of chipped, rough or uneven teeth and spacing.
Forrest Dental is a family friendly environment with a comfortable and welcoming waiting room with toys and chairs for children to enjoy. We encourage the attendance of young children along to older siblings' or parents' appointments as well as their own to help acclimatise them to the practice. The relaxed and caring staff help to make this a pleasant experience and establish good oral health practices from an early age.